How it all started?

I was chatting to a friend in the weekend and he asked me why I dont include all my marketing experience anywhere on my website... quite a good question really!! 

So here is a little bit more about my journey into the world of marketing.  

I started out the traditional way, studying marketing at Canterbury University in Christchurch and I was itching for real life experience from day dot.

With a love for the mountains and snow, I was lucky enough to get an entry level job with the marketing for a local ski area (Porters) and it was head first into sponsorships and event marketing. I learned early on that marketing a ski field relies heavily on the gods and the weather, and when I spied a cute Australian snowboarder I was on the first flight out!

Australian ski fields are amazing, who would have thought!! We spent a winter in Jindabyne and I had a job on the events team, part of the job was to chaperone the huge kids characters and walk around with balloons and free lift passes to hand out. It wasn’t marketing so much as it was just having a good time, but after a winter as the most enthusiastic and reliable chaperone, I was offered a marketing coordinator role for Thredbo Resort.

I worked my way up to the Marketing Manager position and we were using budgets that made my eyes water, it was like marketing on steroids and showed me the power of branding, events and lifestyle marketing. My fiancé and I lived in Thredbo until not long after we got married and then came back to New Zealand to ‘settle down’. We moved to Queenstown and I had a marketing job promoting ski and snowboarder internships. I joke that if you can sell a ski instructor job for $20,000 you can sell anything! In reality the Queenstown role set me up to understand affiliate marketing, Facebook ads and lead generation. Not too long after that I had my first baby, and I wanted desperately to stay at home with her. Money was super tight and returning to work after 6 months was crucial… so when my daughter was 5 months old, I launched an online business

The business was called MyTreat and it was a monthly subscription box that included skincare products and underwear for women. I started with $500, and sold it within 3 years for $467,000. I spent every cent I made in the first 12 months on acquiring customers. The first couple of years I was testing everything, testing my own ad budget, testing my own promotions, and running all my campaigns for the first time in my life, and once I stopped caring about people knowing I sold knickers, and gained the courage to show up online, the business went crazy. When I sold it we had two full time staff and myself, and we had a packing team that came in throughout the month. We were sending 1400 subscription boxes and hundreds of one off boxes each month.

The operations of MyTreat was hectic, stock moved at lightning speed, stock came from all over New Zealand and the underwear was our own brand designed and imported from China, and all the moving parts were more than my marketing brain could cope with as we grew each month. I decided to sell it when I found out I was having my second baby, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to move just into the marketing space and MyAgency was initially set up to market the skincare brands that I had been promoting inside MyTreat boxes. Some of these clients still remain our clients today! The launch of MyAgency coincided with COVID so as you may know, online sales went crazy and we quickly grew… or I should say I grew quickly, from a one woman band to a team of 3!

Since then the rest is history, we work with brands from New Zealand and Australia to promote their products domestically and around the globe and we continue to expand both our team and our client list. We introduced a training programme early this year to help clients understand how to do 80% of the marketing themselves, since then we have also launched our resource centre so people can take the learning and implementation at their own pace. This means we will teach all our clients what they need to know to dominate their sales and marketing, and our team can focus on the big ticket items. We still run campaigns for 26 clients currently on our books, but for people who want to master their own marketing we are positioning ourselves to be your business bestie!

Being a real life agency means we have a helpful team of experts on the other end of the phone or email to answer your questions and help you maximise your opportunities for sales. We have proven these theories ourselves, and watched clients do the same. We know the Revenue Rocket Pack can be undertaken by you, and we have refined the list to the top dial moving marketing activities we recommend to clients.