Going Where The Data Takes Us
We recently launched our SEO Guide and it has been eye opening to talk to business owners who are in the dark when it comes to their data. When we ask clients about the amount of organic search traffic they get, it is common for people to not have an answer and even for the traffic totals.
Breaking down your traffic each week and/or month and understanding how that correlates to your marketing activity will help you identify what is working for your business. It will also give you a platform from which to increase your organic search traffic. When I grew my e-Commerce store, looking at the way people accessed my product information, and knowing the conversion rate was enough for me to understand the minimum daily tasks required for me to get at least 5 new customers a day. At the time I thought this was a normal business practice, but over the years I've realised it was actually a key reason my business was so successful. Monitoring my traffic, conversions, and how that correlated to marketing activity was extremely powerful in helping me make decisions which made best use of my time and money.
Highly qualified organic search traffic the type of visitor you want on your website, particularly in the current climate. Organic traffic users are free, and they are seeking specifically what it is you sell (if your SEO is structured correctly).
If you want to understand the data before you throw yourself into learning a new skill like SEO, or if you want to be able to make strategic marketing decisions while being fully informed of your current position, having a way to determine and decipher the reporting data will help you significantly.
We are launching a reporting template and DIY Reporting Tool!! It is basic (as in we haven't developed some chatGPT like bot that reports on your data), but it is pretty epic! When populated with your data it will provide your conversion rates and we will show you how to easily grab the numbers you need to identify your conversions at every level of the funnel.
The DIY Reporting Tool will not only help you understand the data from your business, but we have included guidance on what to expect. From direct to consumer sales, to business to business and lead generation, we have extensive data around what you should expect from your website and what you can work towards.
Just like every service package or product we bring to market, it is based purely on client feedback and demand for knowledge or skills. We want to help people understand the numbers so they can make decisions and invest their time in the right places!!
This report will help you identify conversions at each level of the user journey and when you monitor this over time you can easily see where your lowest hanging opportunity for closing the loop is! Some people arrive with us thinking traffic and awareness is what they need, when in reality a good lead generation tool is all they need!
If you have 2 hours a month to spend on your data management, it will change the way you respond to the market, improve your marketing efficiency and save you time on tasks that dont move the dial.
If you want to improve your search rankings (either through a DIY approach, or getting someone to manage it for you), knowing how to track and measure your results help you smash your goals, problem solve any barriers to entry for your customers, and make low hanging improvements to your marketing and conversion journey.
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